LaSalle Co. 4-H

Club Meetings

Cotulla 4-H: Cotulla 4H meets every second Monday of each month at 7 pm.  Meetings are held at the LaSalle Co. Extension Office.  119 S. Front St, Cotulla TX

Encinal 4-H: Encinal 4-H meets every second Wednesday of each month at 7 pm.  Meetings are held at the Community Center in Encinal.


Club Managers

Cotulla 4-H: Erica Adams and Raquel Aguero

Encinal 4-H: Elena Rodriguez


Cotulla 4-H 2022-2023 Club Officers

President: Sara Adams

Vice President: Melanie Aguero

Secretary: EZ Ramirez

Treasurer: Frankie Torres




Encinal 4-H 2022-2023 Club Officers

President: Arturo Gonzalez

Vice President: Maggie Alba

Secretary: Jorge Nieto III

Treasure: Emily Velasquez

Reporter: Vivi Nieto



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LaSalle Co. 4-H

**This is a CLOSED group, admin will have to approve your request.  Individuals that do NOT have a child in LaSalle Co. 4-H will not be allowed to enter into the group**


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